
What insects are a problem?

Here are some of the potential insects you may encounter, but not all are listed here: Mango wevel – Reaches maturity in pit – Needs to be controlled especially if your fruit is sent [...]

2023-09-12T15:27:37+02:00September 12th, 2023|

What fruit diseases are relevant?

Mangoes can be affected by Anthracnose (Colletotrichum) especially in wetter areas. Fruit sprays are necessary to control this disease. Bacterial blackspot: Caused by bacteria caused by Xanthomonas. Especially a problem in windy areas Chemical [...]

2023-09-12T15:36:33+02:00September 12th, 2023|

What root diseases are there?

There are no root diseases for mangoes. Sometimes dieback can occur due to Natras fungi. It can occur sporadically, and is controllable if caught and treated quickly enough.

2023-09-12T14:58:32+02:00September 12th, 2023|

Which cultivars can one obtain?

Mangoes – Tommy Atkins, Joa, Kent, Sensation, Keitt. Ripens in this order also. Shelley – mid-season-royalties applicable Above mentioned are all fibreless Fibre cultivar options Sabre, Peach, Sugar, and Long Green [...]

2023-09-12T14:32:14+02:00September 12th, 2023|
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