When should I harvest my fruits?
It is very important to check the moisture content of the fruit, as this is a great indicator: Green skins- 76% & less Dark skins – 78% or less Avocados: Fuerte/Pinkerton – February to [...]
It is very important to check the moisture content of the fruit, as this is a great indicator: Green skins- 76% & less Dark skins – 78% or less Avocados: Fuerte/Pinkerton – February to [...]
Avocados - Older orchards are mostly under micro-sprinklers. A new trend is drip irrigation - Most new developments use drip systems.
If you are in an area where many Macadamias are cultivated, the following may become significant problems for avocados: False codling moth can become a major issue. Codling moth can also be a concern, [...]
There are few to no blossom diseases to be aware of for avocados.
For avocados, it is very important to take note of the serious disease, root rot fungus (Phytophthora Cinnamomi). It MUST be controlled, or else the tree will die and yields will be affected. [...]
The ideal climate for avocados is moderate winters and warm summers.
Avocados prefer well-draining Red Hutton soil.
For avocados, a standard of 8m x 4m or 8m x 5m on ridges are preferred.
For avocados, you can obtain Fuerte, Pinkerton, Hass and Ryan. They also ripen in that order. For Carmen and Maluma Hass, royalties do apply.